Thursday, May 12, 2011

Dawn to dusk

I went out yesterday with Geoff to get some early morning shots at Salt Creek..Now before I go any further, I gotta tell you about this guy Geoff. This guy is ridiculous. Just last week he broke his toe while running down to Church, and literally two days later broke a finger...AND HE STILL RIPS. HARD. This guy was pulling into gnarly barrels alllll morning and just charging like a champ. The guy has his finger splinted up with MATCHES for the love of God.

Anyways, after getting a few shots he had to go to work, and I, well..had to edit photos. But after a few hours passed I ran into him again and we decided to go hit San O' for a little late night loving. I even got to catch a couple waves at the end bc my camera ended up dying..poor planning, great results.



  1. Nice contrasts. I ran into you in the water a few days ago. Is there a way I can see the pictures that were taken out at churches? Do you have an Email address?

  2. hey Zach! Sorry for taking so long to get back to you, my blog doesn't give me a heads up when people leave comments. I was actually looking for you at the Church tournament the net day but I didn't see ya.Hit me up at and I'll shoot you some low res samples.
