Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Late night wanderings

Shooting at sunset has really been giving me a hard on lately...There's just something about the faceless beauty in it. My editor at Surfer told me from the beginning that I needed to go for that timeless look.."Try to make photos that someone sixty years from now could look at and say, 'damn I wish I was there.'" JP always pushed the idea of creating timeless images like Ron Stoner did, and I dig that. Hardcore. Surfing is changing. Everyday. But the roots from which it came aren't. The connection between the rider, the board, and the water will never change. That shit is the essence of surfing..and I want to capture it.

The photos below are of my buddy and fellow photographer Geoff Glenn. This guy is the primo example of a true surfer/artist, and his style radiates it. The man can shoot, ride, and paint some of the sickest waves around and I'm stoked every time I get out in the water with him.

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